Madison Playground

Mount Vernon, NY 


Construction Completion

Site Area
0.1 acres

Construction Cost

People Served

Special Features
Playground with safety surface, new trees, garden beds, children’s seating

Madison Playground in the City of Mount Vernon is a vital community play space – even more so due to its proximity to the West Help Family Shelter, a transitional living facility that offers residential services for more than 45 homeless families. Unfortunately, the park is currently closed as the state of disrepair of the playground is a safety hazard. Madison is desperately in need of not just repair but renovation to provide a joyous outdoor respite. 

While the smallest of all of New City Parks' (NCP) projects in Mount Veron, Madison is representative. Too many of the parks in the city’s lowest-income, densely populated neighborhoods are deteriorated. These are the same neighborhoods where health indices reveal high rates of obesity, heart issues, and depression. 

NCP is working in phases to reopen the tiny Madison Park to provide a vital place to play and safely gather for families and then complete a large refresh to upgrade the play amenities and add garden beds and shade trees.

Our timeline is to do essential repairs to swiftly re-open Madison Playground in early 2025 and complete more substantial improvements by 2027.


Preliminary Schematic Design for Madison Park. 

Community Partners

West HELP Mt. Vernon 


100 Steps and Latona-Griffin Park


PS 12 Schoolyard